Exercises For Balance For Seniors

Exercises-For-Balance-For-Seniors: senior woman exercising

Image by SaraJobling from Pixabay

Exercises For Balance For Seniors

What exercises help improve balance?

What are the best exercises for balance – for seniors to learn and be able to do anywhere, including at home?


Have you discovered BodyBoss?


Doctors recommend balance exercises for seniors to prevent falls especially, and for general health.


If you have medical conditions (whether you’re a senior or not) consult with your healthcare practitioner about the level of exertion you can practice safely.


A one legged stand:


This exercise is simple. Advice includes to hold onto a chair back, or some piece of furniture, and with the BodyBoss gym kit (more about that below), you can use the exercise bar as a staff.


It involves lifting one leg up behind you, bending your knee, and keeping your knees together. Then, simply stand on that leg for about 30 seconds.


Repeat about a dozen times, and then switch legs. Repeat all.


This is one of the best exercises for balance and stability for seniors  – and anyone!


Let go of your balance tool intermittently, if you can.


This practice engages your big muscle groups – the hips, thighs, and core (abdominal and low back) muscles.


It also trains your brain (anew) to respond to the tiny balance shifts that your muscles control, establishing patterns.


This is called neuroplasticity.


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Weight Shifting:


This is similar to the exercise described above. You can use a balance tool if needed.


It is done by shifting the weight from two legs to one, lifting a leg up a few inches, and holding the position.


Keep it up for about 30 seconds, repeat about a dozen times, then switch legs.


Walking heel to toe:


You have probably done this many times. This is how most people measure an approximate number of feet across a floor, if they don’t have a measuring tape handy.


You walk placing one foot exactly in front of the other, placing your heel close up to your toes of your back foot.


This exerts your big balancing muscle groups more than ordinary walking. It requires more a of a weight shift.


Take about 20-30 steps, use whatever space you have.


Use your BodyBoss exercise bar, a cane or broom handle if you need help, initially.


This one of the excellent exercises for balance in elderly people, and will move you along to more strenuous routines.


Leg raises, to the back:


These are done holding your chair back or other balance tool.


Raise one leg behind you, keeping your posture held in a straight natural position.


Hold about 12-15 seconds. Repeat about 12 times.


Switch legs and repeat all.


Side leg raises are done the same, raising your leg to the side.


With the BodyBoss stretchy bands you can add resistance as you progress, ever increasing your muscle exertion and muscle building.


Exercises for balance for athletes are also part of the BodyBoss offerings – because anyone can ramp up the repetitions and resistance with this gym kit.


When you first start exercising after a period of not being too active, you may get leg cramps.


Start slowly. It doesn’t matter if you do, for example, 5 repetitions of these exercises, for a couple of weeks. Work up to a higher count gradually.



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The video below shows a series of exercises that you can work up to slowly, if you’re out of shape. It is not for beginners.


It shows you how the portable gym equipment (which this lady has brought to a park) is used for different exercises.


When you get your BodyBoss you will get a manual of balance exercises for seniors with pictures.


All the training provided improves your strength, stability and balance.


You will have access to many videos (over a hundred are on the BodyBoss youtube channel.)


This level of working out is something you can aspire to.


Aim for a twice a week full body workout, with exercises chosen by you, from the BodyBoss exercises.


What causes poor balance in seniors?


This article promotes the BodyBoss portable gym, so we are discussing physical balance improvement, as opposed to a balance disorder, a neurological condition.


If no balance disorder is present, poor balance can be a result of weak and poorly toned muscles.


That’s why I recommend the BodyBoss portable home gym kit for exercises for balance for older adults.


Poor balance also involve the loss of reflexive responses. Navigating stairs, uneven garden areas and natural trails can be difficult if you are out of shape.


If this is you, are you ready to fix that?

You can!


Taken from the NIH website, these following questions address the possibility of a balance disorder.

Do I Have a Balance Problem? Questions to Ask Yourself


You can help identify a balance problem by asking yourself some key questions. If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, discuss the symptom with your doctor.

  • Do I feel unsteady?
  • Do I feel as if the room is spinning around me, even only for brief periods of time?
  • Do I feel as if I’m moving when I know I’m standing or sitting still?
  • Do I lose my balance and fall?
  • Do I feel as if I’m falling?
  • Do I feel lightheaded, or as if I might faint?
  • Does my vision become blurred?
  • Do I ever feel disoriented, losing my sense of time, place, or identity?”

Some balance disorders, once diagnosed, are treated with physical exercises. They would be prescribed and taught by a physical therapist.



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The following syndicated article gives a good overview of exercise options.

Exercises to Improve Balance – The Top Five Exercises to Help You Improve Your Balance by Jim Hofman

As we age, one of the most common physical skills that deteriorates is our balance. It doesn’t have to be that way though. If you do certain simple exercises, you can maintain your balance skills for a lifetime. Here are the five best exercises to improve balance…


You may think yoga is just stretching and mind relaxation, but it is much more than that.

First of all, stretching is very good for your balance. The more limber and flexible you are, the easier it becomes for your body to work in harmony, so to speak. Your physical balance is a function of your mind and body working together. This is the core principle of yoga.

Further, yoga is low impact, which is great if your knees, ankles, and other joints have taken a pounding over the years.


Pilates is similar to yoga since it is equally low impact and emphasizes flexibility. Pilates goes one better by specifically targeting the core muscles, which are crucial for balance.

If you’ve never participated in a pilates class, you will be amazed at how difficult they are. You will work on muscles in an entirely different way, most notably your abdominals. Many of the moves in class are quite simple. There is no fancy choreography, but the moves take practice and effort. The emphasis on your core and holding your body still will improve your balance skills by leaps and bounds.

Fitball Balance Discs

Balance Boards

Balance boards are probably the best exercise to improve balance. They are often used by those who participate in board sports, like skiing, surfing, and skate boarding.

Essentially, standing on a balance board simulates the activity of these sports. Usually the board looks like a small surf board with an attached heavy duty ball on the bottom.

The goal is to stand atop the board and maintain your balance. The trick is to keep your upper body still while relying on your core and leg muscles to do the work.

One Legged Alternating Stands

This is an effective exercise you can do at home. Try it while looking in a mirror. Just stand alternatively on one leg and then the other. In fitness classes, instructors will sometimes direct you to pick up and set down a small hand weight while balancing on one leg, which challenges your balance even more.

Try it for 30 seconds at a time on each leg, and steadily increase the time as your balance improves.

Fitball Balance Discs

This is another excellent piece of fitness equipment. Similar to a balance board conceptually, the goal is to remain atop the disc while maintaining your balance.

The fitball balance disc is flat on the bottom and spherical on top. You can use it either standing or while laying across the top, which is similar to a pilates move. In addition to helping your balance, using a fitball balance disc does a great job strengthening and toning your mid section.


You don’t have to lose your physical balance skills as you age. The best way to combat loss of balance is to participate in specific exercises to improve your skill level.

Group fitness classes like yoga and pilates are ideal, as they emphasize core muscles and flexibility. Specific fitness equipment like balance boards and fitball balance discs simulate board sports and provide a challenging test of your ability to stay on top without stepping off.

Finally, simple alternating one legged stands are a low tech but effective way to work on this crucial life skill.

Did you enjoy learning about these effective exercise to improve balance? Find out more simple, proven ways to improve your physical balance by visiting us at: http://www.howtoimprovebalance.com

Article Source


Note: the links in the article above had expired before this publication.


Related material:

What Is A Full Body Workout Plan I Can Do At Home?

How To Build Upper Body Strength For Beginners

exercises improve-upper-body-strength - woman on TRX

Image by Tanja Shaw from Pixabay

How To Build Upper Body Strength For Beginners


Do exercises improve upper body strength? The photo above is of  a young woman working her upper body on a TRX band. Those are very popular and have to be set into a high ceiling. She may be learning how to build upper body strength for beginners.


Anything is possible, but you’re not likely to find a set in someone’s home.


This article is about the BodyBoss portable gym kit. It comes with an anchoring platform and stretch bands.


You can discover that exercises improve upper body strength using your BodyBoss, just like you can with the TRX bands.


Wouldn’t you love to pull a light weight gym kit out of your front hall closet, or from under your bed, and just start a workout that you’ve chosen yourself?



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This page contains affiliate marketing links. We may get paid a commission on the sale of a product or service recommended here. This does not change your price, you pay what the vendor advertises.




Can I Learn How To Build Upper Body Strength From Nothing


“According to a study published in October 2017 in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, just 30 minutes twice a week of high intensity resistance and impact training was shown to improve functional performance, as well as bone density, structure, and strength in postmenopausal women with low bone mass — and it had no negative effects.” – article here.


If you’re starting from scratch you can use your BodyBoss to build strength.


Strength for everyday activities like:

  • Shopping/carrying bags in
  • Gardening
  • Housework – vacuuming/laundry/bed-making and more
  • Sports you enjoy
  • Working/playing with your children


Strength helps you avoid muscle strains or sprains. It prevents you from getting back injuries, wrist injuries, ankle injuries and more.


If you do get injured, strong and toned muscles will be injured to a lesser degree.


Injuries will affect you your entire life, so it is best to build enough muscle to live your life comfortably, and with confidence.


This video gives you a look at what BodyBoss looks like, and how you can use it to build upper body strength.





“Adults should aim to do moderate or intense muscle-strengthening workouts that target all muscle groups two days per week.” – full article here.


With your BodyBoss portable gym, you can do two full body workouts a week.


That’s all! In between those workouts, your muscles are building. That’s why you don’t do a workout everyday.


With use of the stretchy bands that come with your gym kit, you create resistance in your movements.


That resistance stimulates your muscles to – build muscle!


With the BodyBoss you can build upper body strength at home, or while traveling.


You can get together with friends and workout, each on your own BodyBoss kit.


Upper body resistance training improves:

  • Your heart health
  • Your posture – which in turn improves your breathing habits, sitting habits et al
  • Increase of your bone density (discussed in a section below)
  • Acceleration of your metabolism
  • Your mental acuity (circulation to your brain)
  • Your mood! Exercise stimulates dopamine and other brain chemical release



Bone density is a big topic and I found this syndicated article about it. I think you’ll find it informative.

Increase Bone Density With Exercise by Anthony Leger

It is an established fact that exercise increases bone density. It is also a well known that a large number of people undergo age related decline in bone mass, and this is the leading cause of frailty and fracture in older adults. Women, in particular, are susceptible to osteoporosis following menopause. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that individuals do not lose their ability to move about in later years due to the loss of bone density.

Calcium and bone density:

It is true that many women take calcium supplements to ward off osteoporosis. However, taking in calcium supplements alone is not enough to maintain bone density. Magnesium and other micronutrients are also required to assimilate calcium. In addition, strength training is necessary to retain assimilated calcium.

Various studies have collected evidence of strength training increasing bone mass and maintaining the density of bones. For example, one study in Ontario’s Manchester University showed that postmenopausal women who underwent strength training for a year increased the bone mass in their spine by approximately nine percent when compared to women who did not participate in weight training and therefore experienced a fall in bone density.

Experts agree that exercise – strength training exercise in particular – is the key to preserving bone density and maintaining bone mass. Strength training exercise increases bone density, improves balance and develops muscle strength, and all of these factors help older adults improve their quality of life drastically.

Types of exercise

Not all exercises are created equal. Even among strength training exercises, certain kinds of exercises affect the density of bones and improve bone health more than others.

According to a research conducted by the Bone & Joint Injury Prevention & Rehabilitation Center, three characteristics in strength training exercise make it most suitable for building bone density. These are:

  • The magnitude of strain in the exercise: Greater magnitude is found in exercises like weightlifting and gymnastics because of the greater force involved.
  • The rate of strain in the exercise: This is where the rate of the impact felt is higher, as in plyometrics (exercises centered on fast, powerful movements) and jumping.
  • Frequency of strain in the exercise: This is higher in exercises such as running, going up and down stars and weightlifting where the bones are impacted more frequently during the exercise.

All the three factors above play important roles in developing and maintaining the density of bones. However, which of these three factors is the most important was not determined by the study, although it was mentioned that people may experience an increase in bone density just by performing weight bearing exercises for 12-20 minutes, three times a week.

Exercises that place strain on the bones like weight lifting and strength training are the best exercises to build bone density. Other excellent exercises for building bone density include stair climbing, running and so on.

Impact of age on bone density

According to studies, exercise can increase bone density regardless of age. It has been seen that weight bearing exercises stimulate the formation of bone cells by retaining calcium. This is most important for postmenopausal women who start losing bone mass due to depleting estrogen levels.

Can exercise lower the density of bones?

A study found that elite level cyclists actually had lower bone density, leading researchers to believe that activities such as cycling and swimming could lead to loss of bone mass. The reason for this could be due to these factors:

  • These exercises are non-weight bearing and do not put any strain on the bones
  • The body loses enormous amounts of vital nutrients due to copious sweating
  • The calorie deficit following hours of intense exercise could lead to loss of bone mass

Therefore, it is not a good idea to concentrate too much on one form of exercise or do it in excess.

Exercise alone cannot ensure maintenance and development of bone mass, but must be combined with excellent nutrition. This becomes more important when people over the age of 30 years since the body does not build bone cells as well as it did before. Therefore, building strong bones before this age is ideal, but the right diet and exercise can help at any age.

Full article here.



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Related topic:

5 Ideas – How To Prevent Falls For Elderly Who Workout

5 Ideas – How To Prevent Falls For Elderly Who Workout

how-to-prevent-falls-for-elderly-who-workout: xrays of fractures

Image by Dr. Manuel González Reyes from Pixabay

One: How To Prevent Falls For Elderly Who Workout


How can you prevent falls for elderly loved ones? There is potential for some people to fall at home as they get older. This may result in injuries and disabilities that a senior did not expect to have to deal with.


If you are a senior, or live with seniors, there are a few ways you can alter or modify your surroundings at home to prevent falls.

  • Place handrails wherever you need them.
  • Start an exercise  program that will help maintain your balance skills at their sharpest
  • If you have stairs, keep them free of clutter
  • Ensure that all your railings are firmly fixed in place
  • Be aware of possible “slippery when wet” places like tiled floors in the bathroom and kitchen



This page contains affiliate marketing links. We may get paid a commission on the sale of a product or service recommended here. This does not change your price, you pay what the vendor advertises.



This article promotes the BodyBoss, a portable gym you can unfold and use at home or while traveling. You can exercise by the pool, on your deck, in a park, on the beach or anywhere in your home.


See how you can workout in the house, easily store your BodyBoss kit, and save thousands of dollars on individual pieces of gym equipment or gym memberships.







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Two: Get Better Sleep


It’s been believed throughout most of my lifetime ( a few decades) that seniors need less sleep.


This has proven to be untrue, with all the studies that have been done on sleep, for all age groups.


Older people need eight to nine hours of quality sleep every night. One study showed that less than seven hours of sleep leaves a person cognitively impaired.


Medications, poor nutrition,  and bad habits can prevent good sleep. There are natural (drug free) ways to prepare yourself for a good night’s sleep, like these:

  • CBD Oil works for many, a dropper full at bedtime (depending on the strength you buy)
  • Herbal teas such as chamomille can help
  • Reducing caffeine over the day, especially later than noon
  • Reducing sugar intake, it is inflammatory and irritating
  • Get enough of the right kind of exercise even if you can’t get out to a gym
  • Eat locally produced fresh foods as much as you can


Three: Are Falls A Normal Part Of Aging?

Not at all! Falling involves:

  • Unsafe homes (stairs, handrails missing, slippery area rugs, slippery tiles, clutter)
  • Loss of hip muscle strength – to balance you while you move and work
  • Loss of leg muscle strength
  • Loss of arm muscle strength (to grab something to prevent a fall)
  • Loss of foot muscle and ankle muscle strength – to regain balance quickly
  • Loss of reflexive responses


Four: Keep Your Brain Health!

If you’re not retired this may not be so much of  a factor, unless your job is boring and there are no challenges.

Our brain needs challenges, especially if you no longer have to work. Keep up activities that you love, especially social affairs, sports, and regular exercise.

Choose harder crossword puzzles, if you do those.

Learn a new language.

Teach an extension course in the field of your expertise.



The vendor, BodyBoss states the following –

“Exercises you are able to perform:

  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Leg extensions
  • Deadlifts
  • Good Mornings
  • Bicep Curls
  • Tricep Extensions
  • Tricep Pulldowns
  • Shoulder Press
  • Lateral Raises
  • Straight Arm Raises
  • Boxing
  • Upright Rows
  • Bent Over Rows
  • Ab Twists
  • Ab Crunches
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Toe Touches
  • Chest Press
  • Chest Flys
  • Resistance Push Ups
  • Thrusters
  • Arnold Press
  • Bucket Tosses”

Yet that’s not the end of it!


Five: How To Strengthen Hip Muscles – And Why

Of the exercises listed above by BodyBoss, the following will strengthen hip muscles, and help prevent falls.


Have you ever been awed by the strength and balance of ballet dancers? Or figure skaters, modern dancers and gymnasts?

Ballet dancers don’t do squats, they do plies (plee-ays) which are deep knee bends keeping the spine upright.

The use of the hip and low back/core muscles is the same.

The ballet class will start with sixteen to thirty-two plies, done in super slow motion.

I mention this because these artists are admired for making their technical work look so easy.

When you start doing the squats with your BodyBoss kit, be inspired by them, as your muscles burn a little.

You may become more aware, as you get stronger with only two full body workouts a week, how you are more in control of your general movements.

You only need a small percentage of the muscle strength that performers and athletes need, to have a powerful set of muscles to live your life with.


Lunges are another big challenge that strengthen your hips/thighs/core muscles. These movements further contribute to your control and efficiency of movement.

Leg Extensions

Referring again to performing artists or athletes you may have admired, their leg extensions are unbelievable, right?

You never have to look like them, yet you can benefit greatly from those leg raises.

You not only gain strength in the leg you lift, but in the supporting hip and leg of the one you stand on.

You will become a pillar of strength! There is much to look forward to using the BodyBoss portable gym.

Schedule two full body workouts a week, and choose the best times for you to exercise.

Choose where you want to exercise. And choose the exercises you want to do! (You will get a manual of exercises in the kit).

A couple or family can share their BodyBoss.

Aside from preventing falls, think of the other common painful situations you can prevent by keeping your muscles strong:

  • Low back spasms (from weakness)
  • Neck and upper arm pain after shopping, ironing, vacuuming, cleaning
  • Shoulder pain from yard work, moving furniture, other housework
  • Leg pain and spasm after playing sports, hiking, bicycling (from weakness)
  • Loss of sleep from stress (exercise relieves stress!)


Get the benefits of exercise!


Enjoy the benefits of:

  • increased heart health
  • build lung capacity
  • improved circulation
  • increased muscle mass
  • boost your metabolism naturally




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Related material:

What Is A Full Body Workout Plan I Can Do At Home?

What Is A Full Body Workout Plan I Can Do At Home?

what-is-a-ful- body-workout: woman with exercise bar

Image by Ichigo121212 from Pixabay

What Is A Full Body Workout Plan?


Wouldn’t you love to open a box and pull out an entire gym?


A two pound kit with stretchy bands, wrist wraps, a door anchor and a workout bar?


This kit is indisputably one of the best deals for home gym equipment and I will explain why.


This page contains affiliate marketing links. We may get paid a commission on the sale of a product or service recommended here. This does not change your price, you pay what the vendor advertises.


We’re going to discuss many factors about working out in this post, but first I want you to see this gym-in-a-box that adapts to:

  • A small home space where you want to workout
  • A kit you can take in your car or public transit easily
  • A patio/deck/poolside/den/bedroom space where you pull out your kit, and put away in a minute


The vendor BodyBoss states: 

“Whether you’re training for your next adventure, a marathon, or just getting through the afternoon, BodyBoss 2.0 resistance bands provide a healthy and safe alternative to heavy weights.

It’s an innovative way to burn fat, build muscle, and increase energy while being safe on your joints. It’s perfect for everyone of any height and any size.”




Why Is A Full Body Workout Good?


Remember, any  exercise you do:

  • increases your circulation, oxygenating all your body tissues
  • increases circulation to your brain bringing you many benefits, including memory improvement
  • triggers endorphins, the “feel better” neurotransmitters
  • Increases muscle mass if done correctly


What Are Full Body Workout Exercises – Can I Split Them Up?


BodyBoss gives you the gamut of whole body workout exercises. You can split them up any way you like. And you’re not on your own – no!


Some people split up the exercises and there are many reasons to choose that, such as:

  • Accident recovery – focusing more on previously injured body parts
  • Previous training that developed some muscle groups more than others (like ballet, one example)
  • Current needs like carrying a baby or starting a garden (strengthen your back and arms)
  • New training such as cycling (strengthen legs)


Here’s what is offered with your purchase:


“You’ll receive a getting started manual, training videos, and workout programs to build momentum and stay motivated to reach your goals.

Watch over 100 live and recorded videos for guided workouts, new exercise ideas, and even live video streams with certified trainers. Plus, we offer opportunities to speak one-on-one with personal trainers to get all the assistance you need.”

You are going to choose an exercise routine according to:

  • Your general health Your age
  • Your medical conditions, if any
  • Your doctor’s advice
  • Your age
  • Your current abilities (muscle tone, flexibility)
  • Your personal goals




Best Exercise Machines For Seniors – Is This The One?


Trainers and doctors will always agree that seniors should do exercise every day, light to moderate to intense.


If you’re starting out to design an exercise plan for yourself, what you choose depends on your general health.


If you have medical conditions, and you have lost your previous strength and endurance, you can still exercise.


Ask your doctor for guidance.


Start out with gentle exercises that you like. You can get a little tougher as you get stronger.


If you can tolerate general house work,  (not moving furniture or cleaning out the attic – but every day items) with the most strenuous being vacuuming, that would be considered light activity.


Moderate activity would be like walking briskly, so that you can converse with someone, but perhaps not be able to sing while keeping up your pace.


Water aerobics, playing tennis (doubles) hiking, and cycling are moderate activities that increase your heart rate, moderately.


Intense activity would be hiking or bicycling uphill, jogging/running, tennis singles, fast swimming and martial arts.


If you prefer to stay home and exercise or can’t get out regularly, the BodyBoss workout kit is perfect for you.


You can design and choose your own intensity of exercise, perfect for you.


The following is part of an article I wrote years ago – because exercise is one of my favorite topics – and I want to share it here because it explains how you can gradually increase your workout intensity, safely.


The right exercise will:

  • increase your heart strength
  • increase your lung capacity
  • increase your muscle mass
  • increase your stamina, no matter how unfit you are
  • allow you to choose the exercise you like best
  • allow you to start at walking one minute at a time, if that is what you need
  • allow you to use your favorite exercise machine – a treadmill, a rowing machine, whatever you have

An example of how you might start this type of exercise pacing:


Warm up, always, with walking, pumping the arms a little, and breathing easily and deeply.


Three to five minutes.


The following exercise is done with a jump rope. If you want to try it out, you can get one at the Dollar store, before you invest further. So here’s how you approach a graduation of effort:

  • skip 30 skips, with the little bounce in between
  • rest for 30 seconds, breathe easily and deeply
  • skip 60 seconds, with the little bounce in between, and rest for 30 seconds
  • skip for 20 skips, no little bounce in between – you’re done!!!!!


If you can only do 10 or 15 skips at first, that’s O.K.


Do the number that you can, and rest 30 seconds.


Double that number, or do however many more skips you can, and rest 30 seconds.


Then do the quick no-bounce -in-between skips, as many as you can and approximately 2/3 of the original number you did. You’re done!!!


The jump rope mode of this exercise is simple, but it’s not easy to do!


The coolest thing about this is you start right where you are. However fast or less fast, you will progress.


Another cool thing is, after challenging your system this way you burn fat for 9 hours after!


With almost any workout, this method of pacing your exertion can be adapted. You can do the exercise you like to do, and get lots more out of it.


If you start with walking, you can walk for a period of time, change to brisk walking, rest with slowed walking, walk even more briskly – I’m sure you get the idea.


It is the same if you’re doing arm exercises with a stretchy band, or leg exercises.



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Best Exercise Machine For Weight Loss – Workout To Boost Your Metabolism

Healthy aging heart health exercise programs your body to:

  • dump fat instead of storing it
  • increase your heart’s capacity, the pumping capacity that will increase the blood flow per beat
  • build your lung capacity, reversing the shrinkage that occurs with cardio – or with no exercise
  • boost your metabolism even if you have a desk job

We’re used to hearing doctors and trainers talk about heart health.


Yet, your lungs’ capacity is extremely important.


A person is at a 200% increased risk of a heart attack if their lungs have shrunk. Wouldn’t you like to do your favorite exercise in the mode that increases your lung capacity?


Is this your scenario? You’re a twenty something office worker who is slowly gaining weight and losing muscle mass sitting at your desk all day long.


You also need healthy aging heart health exercise.


The great thing is this doesn’t take hours out of your week, or even going to a gym.


Can I Do A Full Body Workout Every Day?


When you read training literature, you see phrases like “muscle recovery” and “over-training”. I have never heard a trainer recommend a full body workout every day. Marc Perry, a well known trainer, says his dad who is 65, does a full body workout twice a week.


A younger person may elect to that three times a week. Generally, at least 48 hours between workouts is recommended.


Remember, if you choose the interval style of exercising as described in this article, you will stimulate both fat burning and muscle building.


Fat burning and muscle building! Even with moderate intensity.


Therefore, you need that “muscle recovery time” which involves a cascade of cellular responses affecting your metabolism, and the building of muscle fibers.


This can take two or more days.


When Is A Full Body Workout Effective?


When you need to fully utilize the time in your life, the full body workout is ideal.


You will settle on two or three times a week for your workout. You can choose the time of day when you have a good energy level.


You can schedule your exercise around your employment schedule or self employed schedule. You will achieve the max out of your available time, especially if you have a BodyBoss kit.


You don’t need travel time to and from the gym. You don’t have to wait for machines to become available to you.


You don’t have to go home, change, then go somewhere else.


You will have a routine muscle recovery period, best for your overall health.


man showing biceps

Can I Get A full Body Workout Without Weights?

Yes you can! You will find many exercises using the stretch bands that create resistance, like weights, to challenge and build your muscle strength.

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Related material:

5 Ideas – How To Prevent Falls For Elderly Who Workout